Rating overall
Lifts currently closed since independence
Get hiking to the bowls
Nothing laid on
Fine for beginners
Lift count :
1 x Chairlifts
1 x Drag-lifts
Other lifts (Once 9 lifts in total)
Pass (Low/High Season) :
Imagine you’re a young Kosovan Albanian, which is around 90% of the population. The country has just one resort; you go riding on the mountain on a regular basis, then war breaks out. After the war, part of the country divides into little sectors; this is due to different religions, Serbian 10% (Catholic), Albanian 90% (Muslims). It just so happens that your local/only resort is in the middle of a Serbian area, you can’t travel through or enter this area because military checkpoints prevent this. You can’t leave the country to go riding at any other resorts; you haven’t got a passport (Most Kosovans destroyed their Yugoslavian passports during the troubles in 1999)!