Rating overall
Lift count :
4 x Cable-cars
10 x Gondolas
37 x Chairlifts
61 x Drag-lifts
Pass (Low/High Season) :
Megeve Vista / Daniel Durand DDD
Those arranging a visit Megeve may think they’ve booked a holiday to one of the worlds largest interlinked areas. Well you have, well sort of as long as you don’t mind a long walk through the fur clad cafes of the village, or you’re good at driving in your board boots. It’s an old alpine village which has kept its charm, the boarding takes place on three mountains two linked by one lift the other a long walk. If you’re here for a week then you should stump up the extra 50 euros and buy a pass for the whole 420km area. The valleys most suited to intermediate boarders or old school advanced cruisers, although there are still plenty of freestyle opportunities. Its main problem is it's altitude, with St Gervais being at 950m and Megeve being at 1100m, in a poor season the white stuff may be lacking on the lower runs. The area also only goes up to 2350m, so it may not be the best option in April.
An even more expensive pass opens up 720km of piste. The Mt Blanc area pass also covers